Monday, February 8, 2010

The economic cost of abortion

Three years ago I did a study of lost wages that would have been paid to American workers (and the Social Security money collected on that, not to mention federal and state taxes) -- except that the workers were aborted between 1973 and 1990; and in 2007 the youngest of these lost workers would have been 17 and the oldest would have been 34.

This is wages only, mind you, not the school tuitions and fees paid, not the baby things bought (cradles, diapers, formula, baby food, baby clothes, car seats, etc.) , not the high school tuitions and activity fees, not the university tuitions, not the birthday cards and birthday cakes -- just wages only.

Between 1989 (when the 1973 babies turned 16) to 2003 (the last year for which I had good data) there were about $1.75 trillion dollars that were not paid out in wages, and about $59.4 billion dollars that the Soc. Sec. fund never saw.

And don't forget that it's almost certain that a good number of these lost babies would have grown up and had more babies, so the economic cost is actually worse than the above estimate.

And no one can tell me there's no connection between abortion, illegal immigration, and job outsourcing. Come on, folks, we're missing 52 million people! That's supposed to be without consequences?!

I'm sure that there are more complete data and better analyses out there. That said, I agree wholeheartedly with Alan Keyes when he says the number 1 economic problem in this country is not enough babies. See

This is money only.

Now I switch gears and say, "Money, shmoney! Babies are being killed and mothers are being almost-mortally wounded!" I know a few women who have had abortions, and they are deeply wounded and wish they hadn't. I know a couple of women who considered abortion, decided against it, and despite all the troubles (a Mom's middle name is "Worry") have never regretted choosing life.

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