Friday, February 11, 2011

Rome, Sodom, Gomorrah . . . that stuff, you know.

Today I accidentally stumbled across a Facebook application called something like "being really really ridiculously good-looking." The pix are not really that bad, but the young people's language would make a whore blush. This is America's future, folks.

Boy or girl? Look closely.


  1. Boy George's illegitimate offspring!

  2. And then last night I saw Lady Gaga stepping up to receive an award (for most sexually explicit costume, maybe?) and I couldn't decide if it was supposed to be a turtle shell, the thorax of a beetle, or just plain weird.

  3. If Lady GaGa is involved, all of them.

  4. There was a young woman singing with the band that looked like Doctor Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, and had a guy in a clown suit playing the piano. This young woman had on a dress with a neckline to the navel, and I wondered which one would fall out first. If that's all she can do to keep more eyes on herself, she isn't a singer, she's a buffoon.

  5. oh how their parents have failed them all. having a child is not a right it is a tremendous duty (well worth it but not to be taken lightly). if after marriage you discover you cannot be grown up be chaste for the love of God do not think having kids will make you grow up if you are not gown up it wont.
