Monday, February 21, 2011

More sweet honey for Granddaughter

Last night I wrote a short note to my granddaughter, first one ever completely in Ukrainian. Fifteen words took me half an hour, and I consulted five reference books. I used to be an ESL tutor, and I can tell you Ukrainian is a piece of cake compared to American English. So I sympathize more and more with her struggles with this language. Here it is:

золото і самоцвіти

Найдорошка ♥ Внучкo ♥ Марійка,

Моє серце ставало золото колй ти усиновляла мене як дідусь, і ти -- дорогоцінни камінь його.

любов ♥ завжди,

твий ♥ люблачий ♥ Дідусь

Gold and jewels

Dearest ♥ Granddaughter ♥ Mariyka,

My heart turned to gold when you adopted me as Grandpapa, and you are its precious jewel.

Love ♥ always,

THY ♥ loving ♥ Grandpapa

And when typing in Ukrainian I have to do it one character at a time. Allied problem is that I'm still thinking in English. But for her it's worth the work. She's trying hard to be at home in an English-speaking environment; the least I can do is try to enter her world, so to speak.

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