Sunday, September 18, 2011

Stereoscopic Vision

Recently I was having lunch with a dear friend Kathy (who I first met in 1962) at a restaurant we both like, when two kids of the owner walked by -- Nick and Kate.  They said hi and it was nice to see me, and I introcuced Kathy and said it was very nice to see them both, especially Kate, because she was cuter than Nick.  Kathy laughed and said, "That's a matter of point of view."  To which I replied, "That's why you and I make a good team, Kathy: together we have stereoscopic vision."

Now I want to try to explain the intuition that came to me from Kathy's remark.  Stereo vision is a physical analogy for lots of things; for instance:

The two most different creatures on this planet are human male and human female.
The two sexes look at things differently  and perceive things differently.
If the two perceptions are combined, a better picture of reality emerges.
So the two sexes complement each other in all ways, generally speaking.

I have no wife or children, so I have to rely on what parents tell me about kids.
Even in pre-kindergarten years, maybe even as toddlers, boys are different from girls.
In general, a father will look at a son differently than at a daughter, because the kids are different, and because he is a man.
Ditto for a mother, because she's a woman.
So no matter the sex of the kid, it takes two parents of opposite sexes to raise a kid well.
This is one of the reasons same-sex couples can't (I bet) raise a well-rounded kid, boy or girl --
in general, that is; there are always exceptions.

I imagine men and women have different approaches to spirituality, though I bet that if you put an old husband and his old wife together, the sharp differences between their sexes has become softened with age and experience.  Maybe even more so for an old priest or brother and an old nun, because they've both been trying all their lives to be good children of God, and as they approach eternity, sex (in the sense of gender) becomes less relevant because it's "absorbed" by God, the creator of both.

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